Nowadays, we are constantly exposed to electromagnetic radiation. It does not matter whether we are resting at home, spending hours at work or going out for a Sunday walk with the family. It is constantly present in our lives. However, it is worth knowing the types and sources of radiation and how it can destructively affect our body so as to be able to protect it as much as possible.
What is radiation?
Radiation is the process of transferring energy in space through a stream of particles or electromagnetic waves that are emitted by the body (object, device, living organism, inanimate matter and/or organic or inorganic matter).
The most destructive to living organisms is ionizing radiation – electromagnetic or partial radiation, which during the penetration through matter has the ability to produce ions (e.g. ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma). Fortunately, under normal circumstances we are not exposed to the health risks of this type of radiation, but of course history continues to remind us of the fatal effects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb explosions, and the explosions of Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants, which were the source of extremely high ionizing radiation.
In our everyday life, we are much more exposed to non-ionizing radiation, occurring in the lower frequencies because they do not exceed 8x1014Hz. In Femibelly we are protecting ourselves against this type of radiation.
Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, due to the source from which it originates, can be either natural or artificial.
Natural radiation is the essential ingredient of the environment – it occurs on Earth or reaches our planet from outer space. It includes the Earth’s magnetic field, the sun’s rays, and the field produced by atmospheric discharge and cosmic rays. Without natural radiation, life on Earth in the form we know would be virtually impossible.
By contrast, artificial electromagnetic fields have only become part of the reality surrounding us as civilization and technology have grown. Without many of them, life on Earth would of course be possible, just like hundreds of years ago, but not so comfortable. The emitters of artificial electromagnetic fields are all the devices and technologies we use on a daily basis, such as: radio and television transmitters, telephones, high voltage transmission lines, Wi-Fi routers, televisions, cellular and wireless phones, computers, refrigerators, hair dryers and others.
Why is it that artificial radiation is so damaging? Because its sources are relatively close to us, meaning that the emitted waves do not dissipate as much as in the case of natural radiation, and reach us as more directly, with full power.
The degree of radiation harm depends also on the amount of energy emitted by the individual, including the aforementioned devices and technologies. The shorter the radiation wave, the greater its frequency and the greater the energy it can carry.
Although non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation occurs at lower frequencies and does not pose a threat to the extent of ionizing radiation, many scientific studies confirm that it is not indifferent to the human body.
What are the effects of REM (Electromagnetic Radiation)?
The most harmful radiation will damage our nervous, hormonal and reproductive systems. If we experience fatigue, sleep and memory disorders, and irritability, we should not take these symptoms lightly. The earlier we react, the greater the chance that we will prevent more serious damages that may be caused by electromagnetic radiation.
How to protect yourself from radiation?
There are several ways in which we can protect our bodies and minimise the negative effects of radiation exposure.
You should read articles Influence of radiation on the health of pregnant women and How to limit the impact of radiation from the environment on pregnancy? 10 practical tips. Some important and valuable information that will definitely be useful to everyone, especially to future mothers.